Certificate Course on Medical Education

Assessment  methods

Each unit is assessed by several  ways. Every Sat day a new unit will be started. A study guide available online should be followed.    Assignment for every unit in written form will be the main stem of the assessment process. Fellows will receive the assignment for the unit on Tuesday and completed assignment  must be submitted by Friday 6 pm and will be assessed by a competent authority. On Friday 4 MCQ s will available to the fellows. Fellows should read the rules for the MCQ and one by one total 4 will be available . Total time for MCQ will be 30 min. After completion of the answer this should be submitted or it will be automatically submitted once time is over. On 7th day that is on Friday by 6 pm assignments and MCQs should be submitted to the faculty for assessment and marking.  For the assignment there will be 40 marks and for MCQ 10 marks. Whole unit marks will act as formative assessment and it will be  added to the marks of the module completion onsite examination.

Marking criteria

A+ will indicate >70% (which is 28 out of 40) , A is between 60-70% (which is 24-27 out of 40),  <60% or <24 out of 40 is a fail mark.  B will indicate that correction needed and should be resubmitted . C will indicate that it is not acceptable and should be re-written and submitted again . If necessary feedback will be provided by the faculty. 

Plagiarism is a specific form of academic dishonesty involving the presentation of another as one’s own.  So direct copying from textbooks, journals, periodicals etc with full acknowledgement of the actual author is a punishable offence. Paraphrasing and copying another work come’s under same offence. So a code of conduct for the teacher will be applicable for all participants.

Ethical issues

Participants will manage leave, class schedule, and reading time, assessment time and logistic by themselves. The authority for the course will not take any responsibility for these cases.

Result declaration

Once a fellow fail to pass a unit a second chance will be given after the module is over during the window period. 


Certificate Course on Medical Education

·        Course duration – 6 months

·        Faculties- All  Faculties  have degree in medical education

·        Curriculum- A well structured curriculum is prepared by the faculties and approved by the authority

·        Teaching learning- small group discussion, self or individualized learning. Learning materials will be provided by the authority or list of the material will be given to the fellows. These are -1) specific chapter from books 2) article from journal and 3) website link

·        There is a module coordinator who will involve in teaching learning process,  compile the result and finally coordinate with the authority.

·        Each Faculty is assigned with  5 fellows for a specific unit. All the fellows should know the name, cell number and email address of his/her faculty and should contact the faculty when ever necessary.

Adult learning is essentially self learning. Fellows should pursue their learning by at least 10 hours of reading in each week.

·        Fellows should complete one unit in a week with a minimum 10 hours reading time per week.

·        Assessment- Fellows will be assessed on-line during the course (formative) and on-site at the  end of each module (summative) . 

Formative assessment (online) 200 in each module

a)     Assignment- 40 in each unit total 160 in each module

b)    MCQ 4, in each unit 10 marks total 40 in a module   

Fellows have to submit one assignment for each unit. Whole formative assessment will be completed by one week. If a fellow failed to do so, he will be  allowed to complete it in subsequent weeks/ after module.  After each module there will be one week gap. During this period incomplete units if necessary may be completed.

Tutor will provide feedback on the assignment. If the assignment is not satisfactory, fellows have to submit it again with necessary corrections, but marking will be done on the first submission.